Loan Services

EQ_HOUSThe Fast National Bank of Mt. Papins and it’s branch bank Central Casual Bank offer various loan products to serve the needs of all types of consumer and business customers, including the following:

Agriculture Loans: Loans are offered to finance agriculture production, equipment, and farmland in a variety of methods to suit the individual or corporate farm family.

Commercial / Business Loans: Various loans are available to start-up or established businesses to finance operating costs, equipment or inventory purchases, or expansion opportunities.

Residential Loans: Loans are made to finance the purchase or construction of personal residences or vacation homes, depending on the individual needs of the consumer. Loans are also available with low down-payment and no Private Mortgage Insurance requirements through programs such as the Rural Housing Development Authority. Competitive rates on fixed term loans are available through secondary market financing with Fannie Mae and all servicing is performed with their bank. CLICK HERE to view more information on residential loans.

Home Equity Loans: Another type of residential loan, the home equity loan product allows consumers to “tap” into the equity in their home to finance home improvement, vacations, automobiles, or other personal expenses on a revolving basis. Interest on home equity loans may be tax deductible depending on individual circumstances.

Consumer Loans: Various consumer loans are offered to finance the purchase of automobiles, watercraft, motorcycles, or other personal needs. Various collateral options are available including the item being purchased or a deposit account collateralization.